As you may have noticed, there have been some minor changes to the graphics on the stream and in the panels on the Twitch channel. This is an effort to slowly but surely create a new look for the channel.
Previously, I had worked with a designer to put the ideas into graphics and was able to create the first theme. It was great work. However, they wanted to continue to do “business” by having me go to them for any additional work that I would like to have, so I never got a copy of my original files.
Come 5 weeks ago, where I requested a new overlay for the soundtracking event and after countless of unanswered emails and false set expectations, I was motivated to stop being lazy and own the creation process myself.
One can say that I’m salty. A small portion of myself would say yes, but I’m more disappointed than anything because the designer wanted me to adhere to their process and I did, only to not have them pull their end of the bargain.
I decided to take my situation get back into something I haven’t done in a long time. In College, I graduated with a Graphics Communications minor, so this is definitely in my wheelhouse. I have to find the balance between streaming and life to make progress on this, so you’ll see some changes come in the next coming weeks/months. I’m really excited for this.