Date: May 11th
Start time: 8pm CT
Game: Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare (PC)
Tonight’s stream transitioned over to Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare for PC. The stream consists of me getting my butt handed to, then I get some key pointers from my wonderful chat, I making progress, then stinking all over again.
Also, my teammates at Dinosaur Mustache dropped by to support the stream. Really glad to see us support one another. Huge kudos to them!
The chat went in a different direction tonight that cause a lot of laughter and understand of what a 13 foot something can and can not do. I intentionally did not post any highlights here, but feel free to watch the broadcast to see why, specifically 1:35:26
Streaming Tech
No changes here. I did get one piece of feedback about buffering. If you had these kind of issues during the stream. Let me know! Also, my music was a little louder than I wanted, oops!
Streaming Stats
Total Follows: 31
Total Views: 419
Stream Time: 1 Hours 59 Minutes
Streaming Quality: 540p @ 48FPS – 2000kbps Bitrate (Fast encoding)
I’m willing to say one of the more active streams thus far. Chat was great and rolled with the punches! Got quite a few followers, so thank you so much for the support and I hoped you enjoyed yourself. We will be doing session 2 of Garden Warfare tomorrow! See you then!