State of the Tinner 2016

Hey Guys!

I just wanted to give you guys some insight on some of the things we are doing for 2016.

But, let’s review 2015:

We started the stream in April 2015 and since then broadcasted 600 hours of content. From those hours, I personally consumed 39 chili peppers from our garden and 252 Beanboozle Jelly Beans.

Outside of gluttony, we also help raised $1,240 for charity.

What to expect in 2016

Mission Statement

I wanted to debut a Mission Statement for the channel. The purpose of the Mission Statement is to establish who we are and what we aim to do:

We are a community of passionate gamers of different skill levels and experience. With our passions, we build meaningful relationships and bonds with the intention of being the best we can be. We are a here to build a space that is welcoming, friendly, and something we can call home.

I will often look to our Mission Statement to ensure we grow the channel and our community with the best ideals in mind.

Revlo, refreshed.

I have mentioned towards the end of 2015, that we would be completely rebooting the Revlo reward system. The first thing I wanted to start with is the why. Why are we doing this?

We want to get back to roots of what makes this channel special, which is the people we interact each and every stream. We will still embrace our love for gambling and coins, but the goal here to ensure that we create a healthy chat for the next wave of people to join in on the fun.

With that in mind, here is how Revlo is going to work in the coming year:

  • You will earn 1 coin every 5 minutes when the channel is live.
  • You will be able to gamble once every 10 minutes.
    • Gambling minimum is 10 coins and the maximum is 50 coins.

Revlo Rewards:

  • Beanboozle Tin – 100 coins
  • Cancel Beanboozle – 125 coins
  • *New* Coin Transfer – 125 coins
  • *New* 5 Boombox Tokens – 500 coins
  • Hot Pepper – 500 coins
  • Free Game #1 – 500 coins
  • Free Game #2 – 500 coins
  • Free Game #3 – 500 coins
  • Cancel Hot Pepper – 600 coins
  • Access to Discord – 1000 coins
  • *New* HOT HOT HOT – 1500 coins

For the rewards, you will see some new additions. We have create a reward to give you the ability to transfer your coins to another person. The exchange rate is 125 coins to transfer 100 coins. This is intentional in attempt to keep things fair. The other new reward is the introduction of Boombox Tokens. These tokens will allow you to use a list of commands that will play often loud sound effects on the live stream. They can be used to boo or cheer me, and mostly to troll me.

We also made some adjustments to some of our existing rewards. With the ever so popular Hot Pepper, we have divided it to 2 different rewards, one for normal peppers and one for speciality peppers. Speciality peppers would fall under the category of Habanero or Ghost Pepper.

We have also increase the number of free games available to 3 and we made all games the same cost. This is to make games more accessible and giving you guys more choices.

Here are some of the other things we are doing:

Community Night

This coming year, we will be introducing a weekly Community Night. This is a dedicated stream to play with viewers. We have done this in the past, but I want this to become a mainstay of our channel. You will have a chance to choose and suggest what games we play.

Movie and Board Game Nights on Discord

We will be starting Movie and Board Game nights on Discord. This will be organized and done within our Discord channel.


I will be showing love to my YouTube channel with Let’s Plays. These will mostly be of games I’m testing out to see if they are good for the stream or games that I just want to play through solo.


We will be rebranding the channel sometime in 2016. It will keep the same theme of Space, but looking to give it a much needed refresh.

Overall, the goals for 2016 is to continue on the great community we have today and taking it to the next level. A lot of work and time is spent to make our little place on Twitch the way it is today, so be sure to thank your fellow Tin Can moderator for the work they do for us. Thank you guys for a great 2015, and I hope for a great 2016!