Hey Guys!
Happy Wednesday! Just wanted to give you some quick updates on what we are doing to the schedule.
Over the last month, you would see on average 6 – 7 broadcasts a week. Being brand new to broadcasting, I wanted to drive right into it and learn learn learn! With the hard work came results. I’m very very happy with the community that we are building and I’ve met people that I would have never crossed paths without Twitch.
With that said, I continue to find ways to improve the broadcast to make it better. To move in this direction, I’m establishing a more structured schedule. I am making Tuesdays and Fridays as default days off for me.
One of the things that I did to improve my broadcasting ability is being a viewer like every one of you. Personally, I miss it! Another reason for the days off is to ensure I do not burn out. Being proactive to ensure my stamina is important!
Finally, I will use the time to continue to work on the stream. This means higher quality content and ways to make your experience even better.
Will this makes Tuesdays and Fridays off limits? No way, If I feel up to streaming last minute, I will be sure to offer those updates on my Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/tinner10tin)
Another update I wanted to make, I will be broadcasting Animal Crossing regularly on Sundays. The default start time will be 1pm Central time, which gives some love to the folks out in Europe! You guys made it clear you want to see more Animal Crossing and I’m happy to share this news to you all.
Final update, because I’m taking away 2 days from the weekly schedule, I plan on experimenting with a 7:30pm start time. Not set in stone!
Let me know if you have any questions. As always, thank you so much for your support. It’s been real swell!