Week of February 1

Hi Gals and Pals,

I hoped you guys had a great week and I truly hoped you had a fun time over the weekend with LightFootViolet, Spialz, and dadotjadot. They allowed me to have a great time at PAX South and I hope to share with you all a detailed log of the weekend. It was really fun and I highly recommend it.

This week’s schedule will have a bit of our usual stuff with Sims 4 and Animal Crossing: New Leaf and a little bit of new.

So on with the new! We will be playing Rhythm Heaven Fever on the Wii. This game comes highly recommended by Lightfoot and that’s all I know. Should. Be. Interesting.

On Thursday, I will have the night off to spend time with my co-workers. This week we are celebrating All-Hands week. It’s a week where the entire company meets at our HQ in Ausitn, TX to enjoy each others company and be updated on what’s going on in the company. It’s a real treat to be able to do this and the fun comes with the territory of hard work.

Friday will mark the debut of Creativerse on the stream. At first glance, you can easily say it’s a Minecraft clone and even the developers of this game will say that it is highly influenced by the game. I’ve been playing this for a couple weeks now and I’ve really enjoyed the style of play for this game. I am very eager to share this game with you all and hope that we can play together sometime! My goal is to make this a mainstay game for our channel in the next coming weeks.

Saturday will host our Mario Kart 8 Community Day stream. Please be sure to add my NNID (tinner10tin) and we’ll have some fun with a few races. I hope you guys are ready to get smoked!

Finally, one last bit of news, I did decide to retire Spore as a game on the channel. While I did enjoy the first bits from the game, I did find the meta parts of the game to be very grindy and to be frank, not as fun. I will continue to play it offline, but I was growing to not have as fun with the game as I thought I would. I feel this is a game well before it’s time. Who knows, the game may come back on Stream for a surprise appearance.

I hope you all have a great week. I will be talking about PAX on my Monday stream, so feel free to jump in and say hi! Take care.